Richard Köhnke, Dominik Kentrup, Katharina Schütte-Nütgen, Michael Schäfers, Uta Schnöckel, Verena Hoerr, Stefan Reuter: Update on imaging-based diagnosis of acute renal allograft rejection. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2019;9(2):110-126. (Full text, PDF)
Giorgio Treglia, Ricardo Pereira Mestre, Matteo Ferrari, Davide G Bosetti, Mariarosa Pascale, Eleni Oikonomou, Sara De Dosso, Fernando Jermini, John O Prior, Enrico Roggero, Luca Giovanella: Radiolabelled choline versus PSMA PET/CT in prostate cancer restaging: a meta-analysis. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2019;9(2):127-139. (Full text, PDF)
Rozh H Al-Mashhadi, Lars P Tolbod: Quantitative applications in positron emission tomography achieved through signal modelling. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2019;9(2):140-155. (Full text, PDF)
Heling Zhou, Srinivas Chiguru, Rami R Hallac, Donghan Yang, Guiyang Hao, Peter Peschke, Ralph P Mason: Examining correlations of oxygen sensitive MRI (BOLD/TOLD) with [18F]FMISO PET in rat prostate tumors. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2019;9(2):156-167. (Full text, PDF)
Lennaert CB Groen, Sergiy V Lazarenko, Hermien WH Schreurs, Milan C Richir: Evaluation of PET/CT in patients with stage III malignant cutaneous melanoma. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2019;9(2):168-175. (Full text, PDF)