Lauren Coombe, Aamir Kadri, Jessica Ferrer Martinez, Vivas Tatachar, Gary Ian Gallicano: Current approaches in regenerative medicine for the treatment of diabetes: introducing CRISPR/CAS9 technology and the case for non-embryonic stem cell therapy. Am J Stem Cells 2018;7(5):104-113. (Full text, PDF)
Emilia Barreto-Durán, Claudia Camila Mejía-Cruz, Efrain Leal-García, Rafael Pérez-Núñez, Viviana Marcela Rodríguez-Pardo: Impact of donor characteristics on the quality of bone marrow as a source of mesenchymal stromal cells. Am J Stem Cells 2018;7(5):114-120. (Full text, PDF)