Zicheng Zhen, Minghao Li, Muyan Zhong, Jiaqi Liu, Wendu Huang, Liqun Ye: Expression and prognostic potential of TMEM204: a pan-cancer analysis. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2022;15(7):258-271. (Full text, PDF)
Julia B Seitz, Josef Högel, Markus Eckstein, Verena Lieb, Bernd Wullich, Arndt Hartmann, Ralf J Rieker: Immunohistochemical analysis of sex hormone receptors in squamous changes of the urothelium. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2022;15(7):272-281. (Full text, PDF)
Rana M Ajabnoor, David A Quinzi, Emily Carmody, Brendan F Boyce: Intraligamentous synovial osteochondroma of the ligamentum teres: a series of 14 cases. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2022;15(7):282-288. (Full text, PDF)
Ünzüle Korkmaz, Özer Birge, Mehmet Sait Bakır, Saliha Sağnıç, Tayup Simsek: Chronic ovarian torsion after vaginal hysterectomy: a case with metastatic serous ovarian cancer. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2022;15(7):289-295. (Full text, PDF)
Tomoyuki Otani, Kosuke Murakami, Masatomo Kimura, Mitsuru Matsuki, Takao Satou, Noriomi Matsumura, Akihiko Ito: Transient atypical lymphoplasmacytic proliferation of the endometrium associated with pyometra: a case report. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2022;15(7):296-300. (Full text, PDF)