Flavio E Baio, Larry W Kwak, Jinsheng Weng: Towards an off-the-shelf vaccine therapy targeting shared B-cell tumor idiotypes. Am J Blood Res 2014;4(2):46-52. (Full text, PDF)
Lilian Varricchio, Anna Rita Migliaccio: The role of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) polymorphisms in human erythropoiesis. Am J Blood Res 2014;4(2):53-72. (Full text, PDF)
Brittany A Nierste, Carlotta A Glackin, Julia Kirshner: Dkk-1 and IL-7 in plasma of patients with multiple myeloma prevent differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblasts. Am J Blood Res 2014;4(2):73-85. (Full text, PDF)
Mohsen Hamidpour, Ghader Khalili, Nader Tajic, Bi Bi Shahin Shamsian, Rafie Hamidpour: Comparative of three methods (ELIZA, MAIPA and flow cytometry) to determine anti-platelet antibody in children with ITP. Am J Blood Res 2014;4(2):86-92. (Full text, PDF)
Peter Valent, Sabine Cerny-Reiterer, Gregor Hoermann, Wolfgang R Sperr, Leonhard Müllauer, Christine Mannhalter, Hubert Pehamberger: Long-lasting complete response to imatinib in a patient with systemic mastocytosis exhibiting wild type KIT. Am J Blood Res 2014;4(2):93-100. (Full text, PDF)
Valentina Gallina, Raffaella Binazzi, Arber Golemi, Mohsen Farsad, Günter Weiss, Christian J Wiedermann: Imported visceral leishmaniasis – unexpected bone marrow diagnosis in a patient with fever, pancytopenia, and splenomegaly. Am J Blood Res 2014;4(2):101-105. (Full text, PDF)
Kosuke Obama: Concomitant use of radiotherapy and two topoisomerase inhibitors to treat adult T-cell leukemia with a radiotherapy-resistant bulky disease: a case series. Am J Blood Res 2014;4(2):106-109. (Full text, PDF)