James C Knight, Bart Cornelissen: Bioorthogonal chemistry: implications for pretargeted nuclear (PET/SPECT) imaging and therapy. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):96-113. (Full text, PDF)
Animesh Samanta, Raj Kumar Das, Sung Jin Park, Kaustabh Kumar Maiti, Young Tae Chang: Multiplexing SERS nanotags for the imaging of differentiated mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC) and detection of teratoma in vivo. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):114-124. (Full text, PDF)
Valerie Joers, Marina E Emborg: Modeling and imaging cardiac sympathetic neurodegeneration in Parkinson. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):125-159. (Full text, PDF)
Clare B Poynton, Kevin T Chen, Daniel B Chonde, David Izquierdo-Garcia, Randy L Gollub, Elizabeth R Gerstner, Tracy T Batchelor, Ciprian Catana: Probabilistic atlas-based segmentation of combined T1-weighted and DUTE MRI for calculation of head attenuation maps in integrated PET/MRI scanners. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):160-171. (Full text, PDF)
Anders Örbom, Bo Jansson, Alexandru Schiopu, Susan Evans-Axelsson, Jan Nilsson, Gunilla Nordin Fredrikson, Sven-Erik Strand: Multi-radionuclide digital autoradiography of the intra-aortic atherosclerotic plaques using a monoclonal antibody targeting oxidized low-density lipoprotein. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):172-180. (Full text, PDF)
Katherine A Vallis, Raymond M Reilly, Deborah Scollard, Pat Merante, Anthony Brade, Sobi Velauthapillai, Curtis Caldwell, Ida Chan, Marc Freeman, Gina Lockwood, Naomi A Miller, Bart Cornelissen, Jennifer Petronis, Kathryn Sabate: Phase I trial to evaluate the tumor and normal tissue uptake, radiation dosimetry and safety of 111In-DTPA-human epidermal growth factor in patients with metastatic EGFR-positive breast cancer. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):181-192. (Full text, PDF)
Anders Thomassen, Anne Lerberg Nielsen, Jeppe Kiilerich Lauridsen, Björn Alexander Blomberg, Søren Hess, Henrik Petersen, Allan Johansen, Jon Thor Asmussen, Jesper Roed Sørensen, Jørgen Johansen, Christian Godballe, Poul Flemming Høilund-Carlsen: FDG-PET/CT can rule out malignancy in patients with vocal cord palsy. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):193-201. (Full text, PDF)
Sasan Partovi, Andres Kohan, Christian Rubbert, Jose Luis Vercher-Conejero, Chiara Gaeta, Roger Yuh, Lisa Zipp, Karin A Herrmann, Mark R Robbin, Zhenghong Lee, Raymond F Muzic, Jr, Peter Faulhaber, Pablo R Ros: Clinical oncologic applications of PET/MRI: a new horizon. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2014;4(2):202-212. (Full text, PDF)