Mrudula Pullambhatla, Jean Tessier, Graham Beck, Bruno Jedynak, Jens U Wurthner, Martin G Pomper: [125I]FIAU imaging in a preclinical model of lung infection: quantification of bacterial load. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):260-270. (Full text, PDF)
Otto C Boerman, Peter Laverman and Wim JG Oyen: FIAU: from reporter gene imaging to imaging of bacterial proliferation. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):271-272. (Full text, PDF)
Donald D Nolting, Michael L Nickels, Ning Guo, Wellington Pham: Molecular imaging probe development: a chemistry perspective. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):273-306. (Full text, PDF)
Ajay Tejwani, Amir Lavaf, Kapila Parikh, Bahaa Mokhtar, Uma Swamy, Joana Emmolo, Adel Guirguis, Hani Ashamalla: The role of PET/CT in decreasing inter-observer variability in treatment planning and evaluation of response for cervical cancer. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):307-313. (Full text, PDF)
James T Thackeray, Rob S Beanlands, Jean N DaSilva: Altered sympathetic nervous system signaling in the diabetic heart: emerging targets for molecular imaging. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):314-334. (Full text, PDF)
John M Floberg, Aaron F Struck, Brooke K Peters, Christine J Jaskowiak, Scott B Perlman, Lance T Hall: Impact of expectation-maximization reconstruction iterations on the diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy with PET. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):335-343. (Full text, PDF)
Oke Gerke, Poul Flemming Høilund-Carlsen, Mads Hvid Poulsen, Werner Vach: Interim analyses in diagnostic versus treatment studies: differences and similarities. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):344-352. (Full text, PDF)
Marijke De Saint-Hubert, Ellen Devos, Abdelilah Ibrahimi, Zeger Debyser, Luc Mortelmans, Felix M Mottaghy: Bioluminescence imaging of therapy response does not correlate with FDG-PET response in a mouse model of Burkitt lymphoma. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):353-361. (Full text, PDF)
Jong-Ryool Oh, Byeong-Cheol Ahn: False-positive uptake on radioiodine whole-body scintigraphy: physiologic and pathologic variants unrelated to thyroid cancer. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):362-385. (Full text, PDF)
Linda Zhang, Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang, Leung-Wing Chu, Henry Ka-Fung Mak: Current neuroimaging techniques in Alzheimer's disease and applications in animal models. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012;2(3):386-404. (Full text, PDF)