Asha Jacob, Mian Zhou, Rongqian Wu, Ping Wang: The role of hepatic cytochrome P-450 in sepsis. Int J Clin Exp Med 2009;2(3):203-211. (Full text, PDF)
Huimin Fan, Julie Wang, Xiaohui Zhou, Zhongmin Liu, Song Guo Zheng: Induction of antigen-specific immune tolerance by TGF-β-induced CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. Int J Clin Exp Med 2009;2(3):212-220. (Full text, PDF)
Paola Montagna, Renata Brizzolara, Stefano Soldano, Carmen Pizzorni, Alberto Sulli, Maurizio Cutolo: Sex hormones and leflunomide treatment of human macrophage cultures: effects on apoptosis. Int J Clin Exp Med 2009;2(3):221-232. (Full text, PDF)
Prahlad K. Rao, Christoher R. Singh, Chinnaswamy Jagannath, and Qingbo Li: A systems biology approach to study the phagosomal proteome modulated by mycobacterial infections. Int J Clin Exp Med 2009;2(3):233-247. (Full text, PDF)
Carlos A Rubio, Ragnar Befrits: Increased lysozyme expression in gastric biopsies with intestinal metaplasia and pseudopyloric metaplasia. Sex hormones and Leflunomide treatment of human macrophage cultures: effects on apoptosis. Int J Clin Exp Med 2009;2(3):248-253. (Full text, PDF)
Kamal A. Amin, Thanaa M. Abd El-Twab: Oxidative markers, nitric oxide and homocysteine alteration in hypercholesterolimic rats: role of atorvastatine and cinnamon. Int J Clin Exp Med 2009;2(3):254-265. (Full text, PDF)
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Ana Claudia Teixeira, Raquel Alves dos Santos, Aline Poersch, Helio Humberto Angotti Carrara; Jurandyr Moreira de Andrade; Catarina Satie Takahashi: DNA repair in Etoposide-induced DNA damage in lymphocytes of breast cancer patients and healthy women. Int J Clin Exp Med 2009;2(3):280-288. (Full text, PDF)